Install PHPStan and configure for Laravel application

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Unlike compiled languages, in PHP if you make a mistake, the program will crash when the line of code with the mistake is executed. When testing a PHP application, whether manually or automatically, developers spend a lot of their time discovering mistakes that wouldn’t even compile in other languages, leaving less time for testing actual business logic.

How to setup Apache Virtual Hosts

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An Apache web server can host multiple websites on the SAME server. You do not need separate server machine and Apache for each website. This can be achieved using the concept of Virtual Host or VHost.
Any domain that you want to host on your web server will have a separate entry in Apache configuration file.

Install and configure Apache on Ubuntu

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Apache or Apache HTTP server is a free and open source web server, developed and maintained by the Apache Software Foundation. It is one of the most popular web servers in the world. Apache allows website developers to serve their content over the web and provides many powerful features that can be extended through additional modules.

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Domain Driven Design: Components

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Previously, we explored the fundamental concepts and terminology utilized in Domain Driven Design (DDD), as well as the layers that make up its architecture. In this section, we will examine the artifacts employed to integrate these concepts and construct our application, using PHP as an example.

Domain Driven Design: Layers

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Developing applications that can perform complex tasks can be a challenging process, and it requires careful planning and design. One approach to managing this complexity is to use a Layered Architecture. This architecture separates the application's code into layers, each with a specific responsibility and purpose. These layers are typically organized in a hierarchy, with higher-level layers depending on lower-level layers.

Domain Driven Design: Introduction

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Domain Driven Design, or DDD, is a software design approach that emphasizes solving business problems and organizing the corresponding logic, rather than focusing on details such as programming languages or infrastructure technologies. The primary goal of DDD is to map real-world systems or processes into software artifacts. In order to enhance our comprehension of the fundamentals of DDD, let's take a closer look at some crucial concepts.

How to create Symfony project

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Symfony is a PHP web application framework and a set of reusable PHP components/libraries. Symfony aims to speed up the creation and maintenance of web applications and to replace repetitive coding tasks. It's also aimed at building robust applications in an enterprise context, and aims to give developers full control over the configuration: from the directory structure to the foreign libraries, almost everything can be customized.

Useful native HTML tips

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Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It can be assisted by technologies such as Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and scripting languages such as JavaScript.

I will share with you some very useful native HTML tips that does not need any CSS nor JavaScript.

How to setup Nginx server blocks (virtual hosts)

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Nginx logically divides the configurations in order to serve different content into blocks. A server block is a subset of Nginx’s configuration that defines a virtual server used to handle requests of a defined type. Administrators often configure multiple server blocks and decide which block should handle which connection based on the requested domain name, port and IP address.

How to install PHP-FPM on Ubuntu

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By default Nginx is not capable of processing dynamic web pages with PHP so it requires the use of specific additional plugins for this purpose. One of these plugins is FPM (FastCGI Process Manager). FPM is an alternative PHP FastCGI implementation with some additional features (mostly) useful for heavy-loaded sites. It is the preferred method of processing PHP pages with Nginx and is faster than traditional CGI based methods.