Arduino Uno

Understanding PISO Shift Registers

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Shift registers are integral components in digital electronics, enabling efficient data management and transfer. As your Arduino projects evolve, you might face the challenge of needing to read multiple inputs simultaneously. PISO (Parallel-In, Serial-Out) shift registers provide an elegant solution to this problem. These devices enable you to read several inputs while using only a few pins on your Arduino, making them essential for projects that require a large number of buttons, switches, or sensors. This article explores why shift registers are necessary, how they function, and their practical applications with Arduino.

DIY - Automated plants watering system: mounting

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As we transition into the practical implementation of our Arduino-powered automatic watering system, the focus shifts from theory to the tangible. This section of the guide will meticulously guide you through the steps of physically mounting the components, integrating sensors, and establishing the necessary connections between modules. It's an opportunity to transform conceptual understanding into hands-on reality. Prepare to immerse yourself in the practical aspects of this project, where we navigate through the nuances of placing each module and executing the precise wiring required to bring your plants care system to life.

DIY - Automated plants watering system: code

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Having outlined the concept of automated watering and successfully assembled the physical components, our attention now turns to the real wizardry - the code. This article explores the intricate lines of Arduino code that transform theory into reality, breathing life into our DIY plant care project. As we step into the heart of our automated watering system, let's unravel the details that make our green vision a reality.

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Getting started with Arduino Nano

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Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message - and turn it into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online. You can tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on the board. To do so you use the Arduino programming language and the Arduino Software (IDE).

How to use an analog module with Arduino

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The KY-023 is an easy-to-use analog joystick. The joystick uses a biaxial potentiometer to control the X and Y axis. It also has an integrated push button. In this tutorial, it is shown how to connect the KY-023 joystick with the Arduino and how to use it.

Servo controlled pan and tilt platform

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A pan-tilt platform is a mechanism used to move a camera, sensor, or other devices in two axes: horizontal (pan) and vertical (tilt). These platforms are often powered by servo motors, which allow for precise control over movement. They're popular in robotics, camera stabilization, and security systems. With an Arduino Nano, everyone can experiment with controlling these movements and integrate them into larger projects.

DIY - Remote control car running on Arduino: mounting

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With the idea of making a remote-controlled car in mind, we began our investigation by disassembling the frame to uncover its internal components and understand how they work. By gaining a clear understanding of the car's original configuration, we were able to approach the modifications with greater confidence, knowing what changes were necessary and how they would integrate with the existing system.

Pressure and temperature measurement with GY-65

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Precision monitoring of atmospheric conditions becomes a reality with the GY-65 module based on BMP085 sensor. Armed with the ability to measure temperature, pressure, and altitude, the GY-65 module opens up a world of possibilities for weather stations, altitude tracking devices, and other projects requiring accurate environmental data. In this article, we delve into the capabilities of the module, examining its features, connectivity with Arduino.

How to use tricolor LED module with Arduino

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The KY-016 is capable of producing wide range of different colors by mixing blue, green and red lights. The RGB LED module will not require any limiting resistors. Those resistors are already integrated in the circuit, and so 5V can be directly used as power input.

DIY - Automated plants watering system: concept

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In the world of do-it-yourself (DIY) projects, few activities match the practicality of constructing your own Arduino-powered automatic watering system. Imagine a setup where technology integrates effortlessly with nature, allowing you to take control of your plant care routine. We'll break down the fundamental components of this project, highlighting the vital role of the DS1302 timekeeping module and Arduino-compatible pumps. Get ready for a hands-on approach that not only enhances your technical skills but also transforms the way you care for your plants, whether they are in the corners of your home or under the open sky.