
Facebook OAuth2.0 access for web application

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  • 12 mins read
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Facebook is very popular social network with millions of users worldwide and the number of active Facebook users growing day by day. Their platform allows third party websites to use Facebook as registration or login option with just a few clicks. That is the social login and it allows customers to bring their existing social identities and use them to register and log in without creating a new account explicitly. It saves a lot of time for users and makes the life easier as we don't need to remember all those credentials for different websites anymore.

Social authentication with Laravel Socialite

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  • 7 mins read
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Social login is now an essential part of any site which performs user authentication. It does not need to replace the standard form based authentication, quite the contrary, social login complements it. Login with social accounts is a straightforward process and it saves the users a lot of time, as they won't need to fill the whole form. They just sign up with their social account and they can log into the website with just a few clicks.

TikTok Notes starts rolling out as a new rival to Instagram

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TikTok is now introducing its Instagram competitor, TikTok Notes, to specific Android and iOS users in Australia and Canada. This rollout allows users to download the app and participate in limited testing. The announcement was made through a tweet, and the app is also listed on the App Store and Google Play, complete with official images showcasing its features for those who haven't accessed it yet.

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Boost social media engagement with Open Graph meta tags

Available to Premium members only
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  • 9 mins read
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In the bustling world of social media, where every click and share matters, businesses and content creators strive to maximize their online presence. In the array of strategies, a frequently underestimated yet potent tool is the incorporation of Open Graph meta tags. These HTML tags serve as the backbone for enhancing how content appears when shared on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, providing a visual and informational boost that can significantly impact engagement.