PHP 81

What's new in PHP 8.2

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PHP 8.2 has been released on December 8, 2022. We'll go through most important features, performance improvements, changes and deprecations one by one.

Read only properties were introduced in PHP 8.1. Now, PHP 8.2 is adding support to declare the entire class as read only.

If you declare a class as read only, all its properties will automatically inherit the read only feature. Thus, declaring a class read only is the same as declaring every class property as read only.

Boost Symfony performance with OPCache

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Enhancing the performance of Symfony applications brings a smoother and faster user experience. One powerful tool for achieving this is OPCache. OPCache is a PHP extension that stores precompiled script bytecode in memory, which reduces the overhead of parsing and compiling scripts with each request. This results in faster execution and improved overall efficiency.

Installing & setting up Symfony 6

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Symfony is a PHP web application framework and a set of reusable PHP components/libraries. Symfony aims to speed up the creation and maintenance of web applications and to replace repetitive coding tasks. It's also aimed at building robust applications in an enterprise context, and aims to give developers full control over the configuration: from the directory structure to the foreign libraries, almost everything can be customized.

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How to setup Nginx server blocks (virtual hosts)

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Nginx logically divides the configurations in order to serve different content into blocks. A server block is a subset of Nginx’s configuration that defines a virtual server used to handle requests of a defined type. Administrators often configure multiple server blocks and decide which block should handle which connection based on the requested domain name, port and IP address.

How to install & start using Composer

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Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you.

Composer requires PHP 5.3.2+ to run. A few sensitive PHP settings and compile flags are also required, but when using the installer you will be warned about any incompatibilities.

How to create Symfony project

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Symfony is a PHP web application framework and a set of reusable PHP components/libraries. Symfony aims to speed up the creation and maintenance of web applications and to replace repetitive coding tasks. It's also aimed at building robust applications in an enterprise context, and aims to give developers full control over the configuration: from the directory structure to the foreign libraries, almost everything can be customized.

PHPStan 2.0 Released

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It’s been over three years since PHPStan 1.0 came out, and the progress has been incredible. With 176 releases since then, it’s clear this tool isn’t slowing down. PHPStan 2.0 is here with smarter features, better performance, and tighter checks to make PHP development more reliable and efficient. Let’s break down the highlights of what’s new.