Ubuntu 20

How to install Apache Kafka

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Apache Kafka, a distributed streaming platform, has emerged as a cornerstone for managing real-time data feeds and streaming applications. At its core, Kafka efficiently handles the flow of information between applications in real-time. Its strength lies in managing large streams of data, ensuring the integrity of information throughout the process. In this article, we will explore into the fundamental aspects of Kafka and provide a step-by-step guide on how to install it on your system.

Secure File Transfers with SCP

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Secure Copy Protocol, also known as SCP, stands out as a robust yet straightforward solution for securely transferring files between local and remote systems. Let's explore this essential command and understand how it simplifies your file transfer needs without unnecessary complexity.

At its core, SCP is a command-line utility crafted to securely copy files and directories between hosts over an SSH (Secure Shell) connection. What makes SCP particularly handy is its simplicity. With just a single command, you can swiftly move files from your local machine to a remote server or vice versa, all while ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of your data.

How to setup cron jobs to automate regular tasks on Linux

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Cron is a time-based job that runs in the background at specific intervals or designated times. It allows you to run tasks and scripts automatically, making cron useful for automating maintenance-related tasks. Therefore, it is a very popular server administration tool.

Cron is present in all Linux distributions. However, if it is not installed, you can install it using apt:

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How to install MySQL 8.0 server on Ubuntu

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MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). Its name is a combination of My and SQL the abbreviation for Structured Query Language. A relational database organizes data into one or more data tables in which data types may be related to each other; these relations help structure the data. SQL is a language programmers use to create, modify and extract data from the relational database, as well as control user access to the database.

Install and configure Apache on Ubuntu

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Apache or Apache HTTP server is a free and open source web server, developed and maintained by the Apache Software Foundation. It is one of the most popular web servers in the world. Apache allows website developers to serve their content over the web and provides many powerful features that can be extended through additional modules.