
How to install or upgrade to Composer v2

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Composer is an application-level package manager for the PHP programming language that provides a standard format for managing dependencies of PHP software and required libraries. It manages them on a per-project basis, installing them in a directory (e.g. vendor) inside your project.

How to use the NRF24L01 module with Arduino

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Having two or more Arduino boards be able to communicate with each other wirelessly over a distance opens lots of possibilities like remotely monitoring sensor data, controlling robots, home automation and the list goes on. A good, reliable and inexpensive solution is NRF24L01.

The NRF24L01+ is a newer version of the NRF24L01, capable of doing an extra 250kbps of on-air data rate while the one without “+” has only 1Mbps and 2Mbps. Both versions can be mixed together as long as 1 or 2 MBps is being used as the data rate.

Keeping time with DS1302: real-time clock on Arduino

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In the fascinating world of Arduino and microcontrollers, keeping time is key. You might need to build a digital clock, a timer, or something more complex like an automated plant watering system. That's where the DS1302 module steps in. It's a handy little device that can help you keep time accurately in your Arduino projects. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the DS1302 module, understand how it works, and explore its applications.

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Keeping real-time clock with mini DS3231 on Arduino

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When it comes to accurate timekeeping in the world of electronics, the DS3231 real-time clock (RTC) module is a reliable and precise solution. This compact yet robust module not only keeps time with exceptional accuracy but also integrates smoothly with popular microcontrollers like the Arduino Nano. In this article, we'll explore the features, wiring, and potential applications of the DS3231.

Practical guide to ESP8266 for TCP servers and clients

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The ESP8266 module has become a favorite among electronics enthusiasts for its low cost and powerful capabilities. This Wi-Fi module can be used in various ways, making it a versatile tool for many IoT applications. In this guide, we will explore how the ESP8266 can function as both a server and a client using TCP protocol.

Practical guide to ESP8266 for UDP servers and clients

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The ESP8266 module has become a favorite among electronics enthusiasts for its low cost and powerful capabilities. This Wi-Fi module can be used in various ways, making it a versatile tool for many IoT applications. In this guide, we will explore how the ESP8266 can function as both a server and a client using UDP protocol.

Downloading and installing Node.js and NPM

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NPM stands for Node Package Manager, which is an application and repository for developing and sharing JavaScript code. To publish and install packages to and from the public NPM registry or a private NPM registry, you must install Node.js and the NPM command line interface using either a Node version manager or a Node installer.

Wi-Fi Integration made easy with ESP8266WiFi library

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The ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi microchip with full TCP/IP stack and microcontroller capability, created by Espressif Systems. It's popular among hobbyists and developers for its affordability and ease of use, making it a go-to choice for various IoT projects. When paired with the ESP8266WiFi library, this tiny module becomes even more powerful, simplifying the process of connecting devices to Wi-Fi networks and enabling a multitude of creative applications.

How to install & start using Composer

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Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you.

Composer requires PHP 5.3.2+ to run. A few sensitive PHP settings and compile flags are also required, but when using the installer you will be warned about any incompatibilities.