
Install PHPStan and configure for Laravel application

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Unlike compiled languages, in PHP if you make a mistake, the program will crash when the line of code with the mistake is executed. When testing a PHP application, whether manually or automatically, developers spend a lot of their time discovering mistakes that wouldn’t even compile in other languages, leaving less time for testing actual business logic.

Boost Laravel performance with OPCache

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Enhancing the performance of Laravel applications brings a smoother and faster user experience. One powerful tool for achieving this is OPCache. OPCache is a PHP extension that stores precompiled script bytecode in memory, which reduces the overhead of parsing and compiling scripts with each request. This results in faster execution and improved overall efficiency.

Boost Symfony performance with OPCache

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Enhancing the performance of Symfony applications brings a smoother and faster user experience. One powerful tool for achieving this is OPCache. OPCache is a PHP extension that stores precompiled script bytecode in memory, which reduces the overhead of parsing and compiling scripts with each request. This results in faster execution and improved overall efficiency.

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Downloading and installing Node.js and NPM

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NPM stands for Node Package Manager, which is an application and repository for developing and sharing JavaScript code. To publish and install packages to and from the public NPM registry or a private NPM registry, you must install Node.js and the NPM command line interface using either a Node version manager or a Node installer.

How to setup cron jobs to automate regular tasks on Linux

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Cron is a time-based job that runs in the background at specific intervals or designated times. It allows you to run tasks and scripts automatically, making cron useful for automating maintenance-related tasks. Therefore, it is a very popular server administration tool.

Cron is present in all Linux distributions. However, if it is not installed, you can install it using apt: