
Install PHPStan and configure for Laravel application

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Unlike compiled languages, in PHP if you make a mistake, the program will crash when the line of code with the mistake is executed. When testing a PHP application, whether manually or automatically, developers spend a lot of their time discovering mistakes that wouldn’t even compile in other languages, leaving less time for testing actual business logic.

Avoid forms spamming in Laravel 9

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Having a public site with forms can become a headache if we do not prevent spam bots from submitting fake information to our application. Luckily, there is a simple and effective way to defer some of the spam using honeypots. This technique is based on creating a hidden input field that should be left empty by the real users of the application but will most likely be filled out by spam bots.

JWT authentication using Laravel middleware

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Security is crucial in web development, and one widely used method for securing APIs and web applications is JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication. Laravel, a powerful PHP framework, offers robust support for JWT authentication, making it a popular choice among developers. In this guide, we'll explore the intricacies of JWT authentication in Laravel, from grasping the basics of JWT to implementing token decoding within Laravel middleware.

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Facebook OAuth2.0 access for web application

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Facebook is very popular social network with millions of users worldwide and the number of active Facebook users growing day by day. Their platform allows third party websites to use Facebook as registration or login option with just a few clicks. That is the social login and it allows customers to bring their existing social identities and use them to register and log in without creating a new account explicitly. It saves a lot of time for users and makes the life easier as we don't need to remember all those credentials for different websites anymore.

GitLab OAuth2.0 access for web application

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GitLab is one of fastest growing private software companies. The company provides a central server that manages git repositories and is used to simplify the administration tasks of many corporations worldwide. Their platform allows third party websites to use GitLab as registration or login option with just a few clicks. That is the social login and it allows customers to bring their existing social identities and use them to register and log in without creating a new account explicitly. It saves a lot of time for users and makes the life easier as we don't need to remember all those credentials for different websites anymore.

Google OAuth 2.0 access for server side web apps

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Google is a popular platform that is commonly used on websites as registration or login option. It allows us to register with our Google account with just a few clicks and skip the process of email validation. It saves us a lot of time and makes the life easier as we don't need to remember all those credentials for different websites anymore.

BitBucket OAuth2.0 access for web application

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Bitbucket is git repository management solution designed for professional teams. It gives you a central place to manage git repositories, collaborate on your source code and guide you through the development flow. Their platform allows third party websites to use BitBucket as registration or login option with just a few clicks. That is the social login and it allows customers to bring their existing social identities and use them to register and log in without creating a new account explicitly. It saves a lot of time for users and makes the life easier as we don't need to remember all those credentials for different websites anymore.

How to install MongoDB 6 on Ubuntu 20.04

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MongoDB is a popular open source and document oriented database system. It belongs to a family of databases called NoSQL, which is different from the traditional table based SQL databases. It makes use of collections, each having multiple documents, and allows the user to store data in a non relational format. Data is stored in flexible, JSON-like documents where fields can vary from document to document. That's the reason for calling it schemaless database.

Create a CSR using OpenSSL & install SSL certificate on your Nginx server

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Generally, OpenSSL is used for CSR generation on Linux-based web servers (Apache or Nginx) So, if the default web server is installed, there should be no issues with using OpenSSL as it is installed by default on these web servers.

The RSA key algorithm is the algorithm most widely used in digital security. It's an asymmetric cryptography algorithm. This basically means that there are two keys involved while communicating, i.e., the Public key and Private key.

Understanding OAuth 2.0 and how it works

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OAuth is an open authorization protocol, which allows accessing the resources of the resource owner by enabling the client applications on HTTP services such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, BitBucket, and a long etc... It allows sharing of resources stored on one site to another site without using user credentials. Username and password tokens are used instead. The access to the resource can be limited by defined and approved scope.