One-On-One meetings in software development

One-on-one meetings serve as an essential communication tool between engineering managers and their team members. Unlike group meetings, these personalized sessions allow for deeper, more focused conversations about performance, goals, and challenges. As a result, they play a key role in nurturing employee growth, increasing productivity, and maintaining team morale. In the high-pressure environment of software development, regular one-on-ones can provide much-needed guidance, reduce conflicts, and ensure that the team remains aligned with company objectives.
Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer
Vanilla Ice - Ice ice baby has been added.
Getting real-time position using MPU9250
We used an existing library for this. You can see how it was implemented in the code snippet above.
It is also accessible in our GitHub repository.
Reading MPU9250 sensors with Arduino
The article Getting Real-Time Position Using MPU9250 explains how to calculate real-time position using sensor data.
Complementary filter and relative orientation with MPU9250
You can learn how we calculate pitch and roll using a complementary filter in this project; the file is available on GitHub.
Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer
Assassin's Creed 2 - Ezio's Family has been added!
Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer
Livin' on a prayer has been added.
Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer
Crystal Castles Kerosene has been added.
How to use the NRF24L01 module with Arduino
The D10 pin has a specific function; it must be set as an output for the Arduino to operate as the master in an SPI communication protocol. In the provided wiring and code, the pin is already functioning as an output.
How to use the NRF24L01 module with Arduino
I suggest verifying the wiring to confirm that all components are correctly connected, followed by re-uploading the code. The examples provided in the post have been tested and are operational. Please consider that there might be a physical problem, such as a damaged or defective module.
Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer
Coldplay - Hymn for the weekend has been added.
Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer
Was wollen wir trinken has been added.
Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer
The board has built-in memory. If additional memory is needed, an alternative board can be used.
Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer
The Doom melody requires more memory than others, so make sure your board can handle that amount. If not, you will usually encounter an error during compilation.
As a workaround, you can try removing some of the notes (along with their respective durations) to fit the melody on the board.
Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer
We couldn't find notes for that song that will sound good with a buzzer.
Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer
Right Here Waiting has been added.
Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer
Never Gonna Give You Up has been added.
Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer
We just added End of Beginning by Djo.
Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer
It's you song by Max feat Keshi has been added.
Happy anniversary!
Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer
Subway Surfers theme song has been added!
Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer
Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift has been added.